Want to turn your inbox into a money machine?! 💸

Email marketing and newsletter services for Authors, Podcasters, and Thought Leaders

You've got a fantastic new book, podcast episode, or speaking engagement on the horizon that you know your beloved audience will love. 📖🎙️

How do you reach the members of your tribe who aren't living on social media or might forget to stop by your website?

And how do you reveal your latest work without sounding like you've suddenly morphed into a sales-y late-night infomercial?

There's a way to share your work without the sales-y aftertaste. 🌟

👥 Followers ≠ Dollars 💰

Sure, having a legion of followers is fabulous and all, but here's the real question - how many of them turn into paying customers? 💸

💪 72% of these book buyers are more likely to support an author that they're already subscribed to via email. Talk about the power of connection!

62% of women who receive book recommendations through email will buy at least one of the books they are recommended.  💌

Yep, you read those facts right! 💡

That's why, even in the era of likes and shares, having a website and a newsletter is still golden.

Ready for a financially fabulous writing or podcasting career?

(shhh, here’s the secret formula: 🔍🐦👥📸📰🌐➡️💻➡️📧➡️💰📚🎧)

Here's the 3-step formula that authors and podcasters like James Clear and Tim Ferris, and countless others, have used to build financially successful careers: 

  1. Drive tons of traffic to your website: Curate a captivating social media presence, land media features, or rock your SEO to drive your audience at scale to your fabulous website 💻

  2. Build your email list: Entice your audience to your newsletter 📧 

  3. Cultivate your community: Cultivate a long-term relationship with your fans through your content & newsletter to transform your fans into super fans who can't wait to buy your amazing work or services or consume your writing or podcast episodes! 💰📚🎧

Wanna swap anxiety for engagement & profit? 🙌 

→ Does your head start spinning when thinking about email platforms? Mailchimp? Mailerlite? Mail Merge? Flodesk? Convertkit? Huh? 😵‍💫

→ Worried that a megalomaniac will buy your favorite social media platform and kill the following you've painstakingly built over the years?! (#RIPTwitter) 💔

→ Does the thought of building an email list — as your publisher has been harping on and on about — make your eyes glaze over? What are you even supposed to write about?! 🤷‍♀️

→ Perhaps you're a speaker, coach, or consultant, and the chaotic world of TikTok reels and glossy filtered Instagram posts are sucking your time and zapping your joy quicker than you can say 'selfie'? 🙅‍♀️

→ Worried about arbitrary Instagram and TikTok algorithm changes or glitches? Petrified of the digital nightmare of being locked out of your social media accounts for no reason (happens ALL THE TIME, btw)? 😱

→ Concerned about reaching your audience that isn't quite into the social media hustle and isn’t frequently checking your website? Wondering how to keep these ties vibrant and humming? 💕

Here's the magic you'll unlock when you start chatting with your audience via email:

  • Talk about turning fans into fervent supporters! Moreover, email marketing proves to be a star performer when it comes to conversions - email is 3x more effective than social media in turning your engaged audience into paying customers or clients. With email, you're not just building a subscriber list, you're creating your own thriving marketplace.

  • It's time to craft your messages to resonate with this powerful audience segment. Craft compelling messages that resonate with her and watch as she joyfully clicks 'Buy Now'. That's the persuasive power of email – turn your readers into passionate book buyers!

  • Use email to savor the warmth of turning casual followers into lifetime fans eager to support your journey.

  • With email marketing, it's not just about broadcasting - it's about connecting. Instead of letting your precious content get lost in the social media shuffle, ensure it lands directly in the hands of your audience with email. With email, your voice doesn't just echo - it lands, connects, and resonates.

  • Form long-term, genuine friendships with your audience, transforming them from a customer base into a loyal tribe.

  • No one has time to read or remember every social media post everyday. Luckily, your emails aren't Cinderella, they won't vanish after 24 hours. Nope, they'll be comfortably nestled in your audience's inboxes, ready for a read when they're good and ready. Emails have a 91% open rate, 66% click-through rate, and a 33% conversion rate after 24 hours. This means that even if someone doesn't open your email right away, they're still likely to see your email later and take action. Talk about enduring convenience!

  • Sidestep the turbulence of temperamental algorithms, ephemeral social media platforms, and the panic of sudden account bans. With email you're in a reliable safe harbor - sturdy, reliable, and continually accessible to your audience. That’s why 90% of authors have reported email as a reliable tool to reach their audience, no matter what.

  • With an impressive 58% of people checking their email before doing anything else online, savour the sweet perk of having your message land right in their personal space - the first thing they see in the morning. No pesky algorithms or competing posts. How's that for VIP treatment?

  • Embrace the power of speaking directly and personally to your fans, without being subject to the whims of the tech gods.

  • Approximately 75% of podcast fans prefer to engage with their favourite shows via email updates. Keep your fans in the loop, deepen connections, and boost engagement with every email, especially with your audience members who prefer not to engage on social media.

  • Email marketing for authors sees an average of 3,800% return on investment. Visualize your business expanding with ease and confidence everytime you hit send.


These institutions have published our clients’ work.

💌 Email marketing is your golden ticket to creating long-term relationships with your audience and your business, podcast, or novel taking off. ✨

Inspire with our newsletter service which includes:

💡 Newsletters Dissected: Is there a little 'oomph' missing from your newsletter or tech systems? We're here to unravel the mysteries! Our comprehensive review will review your newsletter content and tech systems, spotlight your shining strengths, and reveal the potential growth points you're yet to tap into. 

🗺️ Written Newsletter Strategy Blueprint: Feeling uncertain about where to begin on your newsletter journey? We'll create a written, comprehensive email marketing and newsletter strategy tailor-made for you. Consider it your roadmap to email marketing and newsletter success. 

💻 Tech System Setup: Has the thought of setting up email tech systems got your head in a spin? We'll swoop in to streamline the process, ensuring your tech systems are ready to roll out those newsletters. No more tech headaches! 

🚀 Content Idea Generator: Stuck in a content rut? We'll fuel your creative engine with at least 12 knock-out newsletter content ideas. It's time to fire up your audience's interest and keep them eagerly awaiting your next issue. 

🧲 Lead Magnet & Welcome Sequence Creation: The key to kicking off email marketing is a fabulous freebie, lead magnet, or opt-in to offer! We're here to whip up a tantalizing lead magnet that will have your audience clamoring to sign up for your email list. We know just how to bait the hook to reel 'em in! 

📧 Content Training Masterclass: Stumped about what to write about in your newsletter? No sweat! Our training sessions will morph you into a content wizard, helping you craft captivating weekly material that has your audience hanging onto your every word.

💌 Custom Newsletter Template: Struggling with the blank page? Say no more! We will design a custom newsletter template that will be your trusty guide, making your next newsletter writing task as breezy as a walk in the park. It's a ready-to-use blueprint tailored to make newsletter writing easy for you and tailored to your audience's taste. Write with confidence! 

🎯 Email Opt-In Copy: Concerned about how to nudge your website visitors towards your newsletters? We'll masterfully craft compelling copy for your site that makes joining your email marketing an absolute no-brainer. It's all about designing a powerful call-to-action that truly resonates. ✨

📈 Email Analytics Tracking Spreadsheet: Feeling overwhelmed by the maze of metrics and data? We'll demystify the numbers for you, teaching you to identify the crucial stats, track them on a handy spreadsheet, and use them to supercharge your newsletter's effectiveness. We turn analytics into actionable insights!

📝 Newsletter Ghostwriting: Maybe writing newsletters isn’t your idea of a good time, or you don’t have enough time. Perhaps they're even throwing you off your creative stride. Not to worry, we've got your back. We'll concoct engaging newsletter content that your audience will devour with relish.



“Ann is incredibly professional, communicative, and organized. She will listen and think about how you should present yourself to your industry and turn that into a gorgeous online home base to which you will be proud to direct people.”

Chandler Baker, New York Times best-selling author of Whisper Network

“Ann really showed me what my website could be. I had no idea how much more cohesive the flow could be, but she’s a natural at it! What would have taken me months on months and hiring out multiple people, she was able to accomplish is record time. Her understanding of my business and goals were immediate and she was able to make a huge impact on my business.”

Natasha Arora, founder of bZAI

“Ann is a savvy user and adviser about all things social media, from websites to blogs to social media strategy. Her laser advice and patient explanations clarified my newsletter and blog options and broadened my writers' group's view of social media. I highly recommend her for helpful 1:1 support as well as enlightening presentations to groups.”

Carolyn Lee Arnold, Author of 50 First Dates

Ready for Some Serious Gains? 💫

Here Are 12 Tactical Wins You Can Expect When We Team Up 🥂

NO. 1

💎 Direct Your Success: Use a comprehensive, tailor-made email marketing and newsletter strategy as your roadmap to success.

NO. 2

🛠️ Tame Tech Troubles: Bid farewell to tech headaches as you smoothly roll out engaging newsletters with our support.

NO. 3

📝 Simplify Writing: Utilize trusty formulas and templates to transform your newsletter writing into an enjoyable task.

NO. 4

🚀 Unleash Creativity: Step out of your content rut and spark interest with a minimum of 12 unique newsletter content ideas.

NO. 7

🎯 Ignite Engagement: Compose brilliant, sharp-witted newsletters that resonate with your ideal readers, listeners, or clients.

NO. 10

🖋️ Craft a Compelling Call-to-Action: Design persuasive copy for your website that makes joining your email marketing campaign an undeniable choice for visitors.

NO. 5

🎁 Master Lead Magnets: Entrap your audience with a tantalizing lead magnet or opt-in offer, designed to make email list sign-up irresistible.

NO. 8

📑 Start with a Template: Initiate your email marketing with a custom newsletter template, simplifying your writing process and catering to your audience's tastes

NO. 11

💌 Craft an Engaging Welcome: Nail those critical first impressions with a polished, engaging welcome sequence that instantly connects and builds trust with your audience.

NO. 6

🎓 Excel in Content Training: Transform into a content wizard with our training sessions, enabling the creation of captivating newsletters.

NO. 9

📊 Grow with Insights: Delve into metrics without overwhelm, identifying key metrics, tracking them using a handy spreadsheet, and utilizing these insights to amplify your newsletter's reach and impact.

NO. 12

👻 Employ Ghostwriting Genius: Entrust us with writing engaging newsletters, freeing you to focus on what you do best.

Are you curious about all the cool long-term wins that will come your way by working with us? 🙌 Here’s a sneak peek:

💸 Transform Subscribers into Customers: Harness the selling power of email to turn your subscribers into fervent supporters and paying customers.

💃 Engage Women Readers: Craft messages that resonate with women book readers, using the persuasive power of email to turn them into passionate book buyers.

Foster Loyalty: Cultivate lifelong relationships with your readers by maintaining regular email contact, converting casual followers into lifetime fans.

📣 Amplify Your Voice: With email marketing, your voice doesn't just echo—it lands, connects, and resonates, ensuring your content reaches your audience directly.

🤗 Build Genuine Connections: Email marketing is a powerful tool for nurturing authentic relationships with your readers, transforming them from a customer base into a loyal tribe.

📩 Create Personal Connections: Reach your audience first thing in the morning, in their personal space—their inbox—for a VIP treatment that sidesteps algorithms and competing posts.

Build Enduring Relationships: Your emails remain in your audience's inbox, ready to be read at their convenience, creating an enduring and powerful connection.

Secure Your Reach: Stay resilient amidst changing social media platforms and algorithms by relying on email, a sturdy and reliable way to reach your audience.

🎟️ Personalize Your Messages: Speak directly and personally to your fans through email, connecting on a level that social media can't match.

🎯 Meet Your Fans Where They Prefer: Keep your fans in the loop and boost engagement with email updates, reaching audience members who prefer to engage off social media.

🚀 Propel Your Growth: With email marketing, you're not just expanding your subscriber list, you're growing your business with a high return on investment.

🌐 Reach Beyond Social: Gain access to your audience even if they're not on social media, extending your influence with our strategically curated newsletters.

🤝 Optimize Outreach: Leverage strategic guidance to ensure your newsletters engage and effectively promote your unique work.

Once we've worked our magic together, here's the cocktail of delightful feels you'll be sipping on 😍

💪 Empowered - You'll have a crystal-clear understanding of your newsletter's magnetic pull and how to craft a newsletter that beckons your audience.

😊 Confident - You'll have perfected your unique newsletter voice, armed with a winning strategy to craft captivating content.

😌 Relieved - Sit back and sip your latte while we craft newsletters that stimulate your business growth and captivate your audience. Let's face it, you'd rather focus your time on what you love.

🥳 Thrilled - Imagine waking up to a steady stream of new potential clients, readers, or listeners eagerly signing up to be notified about your latest work. Isn't that a nice morning boost?

🎉 Excited - Revel in the freedom to enjoy life, knowing that your website, newsletters, and social media are hard at work, chatting up your audience and bringing in sales while you live your life.

😊 Comfortable - With our help, you'll feel completely at ease, genuinely connecting with your audience, just as your authentic self.

🍾 6 Steps to Mastering Email Marketing 🍾

  • Don't know if this service suits you? Schedule your call here, and we'll assess your needs and see if we're a match made in digital heaven. If we decide to partner up, we'll outline the scope of our collaboration and square away the fee.

  • Our secret sauce for success? Planning. We'll map out your email and newsletter strategy in a few insightful Zoom calls. We'll dive deep into your business, audience, and goals, and, most importantly, we'll get a grasp of your unique voice and style. And don't worry, we’ll also review your current newsletters and tech systems. You’ll get a written newsletter strategy plan.

  • We take our research findings and cook up an enticing template and content for your newsletter, lead magnet, welcome sequence, and website copy. We'll share the content, invite your feedback, and tweak until you're grinning ear to ear. When it's perfect, we'll pass the polished copy to you, ready to work its magic in your newsletters.

  • We're not just going to write for you, we're going to turn you into a newsletter wizard! We'll reveal the secrets to crafting newsletter content that makes your audience feel seen and heard. Expect at least 12 ready-to-use content ideas and a reusable newsletter template.

  • We believe in empowering you with knowledge! We'll provide training on how to interpret and leverage newsletter analytics effectively. You'll gain insights into your audience's behavior, open rates, click-through rates, and more, so you can continuously refine your newsletter strategy and achieve even greater results! Additionally, we'll equip you with a handy spreadsheet to track your metrics easily and monitor your progress with precision.

  • Last but not least, we'll help you set up your newsletter tech platform, lead magnets, newsletter forms and install your website copy about your email newsletter.

🤔Thinking about ignoring email marketing for a little longer?!

Wait! Think about all those fans who would leap at the chance to know about your newest work but aren't frequent flyers on social media or might forget to pop over to your website!

📚 63% of book buyers admit to buying a book they've received an email about from an author or publisher.

That's right - over half!

💪 72% of these book buyers are more likely to support an author or publisher they already subscribe to via email.

Talk about the power of connection!

💰Email marketing is 3x more effective than social media at converting subscribers into paying customers or clients.

Oh, and if your audience is women, email is a game-changer! 🙌

62% of women who receive book recommendations through email will buy at least one of the books they are recommended.  💌

Women who receive book recommendations through email are 2.5x more likely to buy a book.  🎯

Are you really ready to let those relationships with your readers, listeners, clients, and followers (not to mention sales!) pass you by?!

Yep, that’s what we thought! Let’s get started. 🚀

Ready to level up? Here's what your investment will gift back to you

🎯 Unique newsletter strategy and content, all crafted to captivate your ideal audience.

🗺️ A detailed newsletter strategy report pinpointing the areas where your newsletter can grow and outlining your newsletter strategy.

🎥 An engaging recorded video tutorial on sending and crafting your own newsletters.

💡 12 ideas for your newsletter content so you never feel stuck.

🖋️ At least one custom newsletter template and formulas tailored to make newsletter writing easier. 

📊 A spreadsheet to track email marketing analytics and measure your newsletter's success.

🧲 A lead magnet to attract and grow your subscriber list. 

💌 A welcome sequence to make a stellar first impression and build a strong connection with new subscribers.

🖋️ Persuasive copy for your website that makes joining your email marketing campaign an undeniable choice for visitors.

📞 A 30-minute Consultation Call to deep-dive into your objectives.

🚀 Productive Zoom Planning & Strategy Sessions to ensure we’re on the same page.

💌 An optional package if you prefer to delegate your newsletter writing to us.

📝 A project questionnaire sent before our collaboration to understand your needs better.

💰 7 Payments x $500

💰Newsletter Content Writing - $299 per newsletter or $949 for four newsletters (20% off).

Seize the Opportunity: Lock in Our Lowest Pricing Today!

🔔 Just a quick heads up! Like any in-demand service, our rates increase every 6 months, reflecting the high quality of work we deliver and getting better at our craft. 💰 

And we only take on 3 fabulous customers per month to ensure we're providing top-notch service.

Slots fill up quickly, so don't hesitate – let's start your email marketing and newsletter transformation journey together at the lowest price. ⏰ 

In case we haven’t met before…

Powerhouse Strategy is a dynamic and innovative full-service digital strategy agency helping authors, podcasters, and thought leaders cultivate their digital presence. With a keen focus on strategic planning, captivating design, and data-driven maintenance, Powerhouse Strategy illuminates your work, propelling your career to new heights. 

A voracious reader turned digital strategist, Ann Koppuzha is the founder of Powerhouse Strategy. Drawing on her passion for strategy, design, and storytelling, Ann combined her penchant for technology to create a design agency that understands the needs of authors, podcasters, and thought leaders and anticipates the best moves. With her unique blend of creativity and analytical skills, she's dedicated to turning your digital platform into a vibrant hub that captures your voice, engages your audience, and transforms your career. Armed with a laptop and a Kindle, Ann is on a mission to illuminate your digital path, one strategy at a time.

🎯 Email newsletters might be your secret weapon if

  • You're well aware that your copy and content need to sing in unison. You want expert help to weave together a comprehensive content plan, with newsletters stealing the limelight.

  • You've got it down that your website is your digital showroom. As an author, podcaster, or emerging thought leader, you're actively scaling your career and you're committed to using newsletters as your secret sauce to drive your crowd to your website and forge a lasting connection.

  • You're constantly hearing about the importance of platform building but honestly, it feels like decoding alien language. You'd love to have a heart-to-heart with someone about your work, business, and audience and sketch out a start line.

  • You’re actively growing your writing, podcasting, or thought leader career. You want to rocket-boost your progress with expert advice.

Email Newsletters are not right for you if:

  • You’ve got this. Your digital strategy and software run smoothly.

  • Not only do you have a great strategy in place, but you also have plenty of technical know-how to execute.

  • You have fantastic marketing materials and a solid editorial calendar to boot.

  • You figured out SEO long ago, and it’s working well for you.

  • Professionals have already given you feedback on your digital strategy - websites, newsletters, and social media.


  • Yes! We’re happy to help you with email marketing and newsletters, even if you don’t want to alter your website design.

  • If you want to change your website, let’s do that before revising your newsletter - check out our services here. Your newsletter should have the same branding and style as your website.

  • Yes! We write copy for websites, social media, and newsletters. We can even write SEO-optimized content for your blog. Check out our newsletter, copy, and content writing services here.

  • The more involved you are, the better, but we won’t need more than a few hours of your time. First, we’ll have a few initial meetings to understand your business and style. Then, we’ll draft content for your review and feedback. Finally, we’ll work together until you love your new messaging.

  • Yes! We accept 5 payments X $500.

  • We accept payment via Stripe, making it easy and secure for you to pay via credit card.

  • Powerhouse Strategy is based in the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area. However, we serve clients globally thanks to Internet tools such as Zoom.

  • Yes! Newsletters are platform agnostic - meaning it doesn’t matter whether you use Wix, WordPress, or Squarespace. However, there are a few technical differences between the platforms regarding how content is implemented. Still, we can set up and write your newsletters and emails even if you don’t use Squarespace.

✨ Four Ways We Can Supercharge Your Digital Presence ✨

  • 🤝 Strategy Session - Savior of Time and Energy

    Ever wished for expert feedback or strategic guidance as you take the reins of your digital journey? Your wish is our command. Sign up for a strategy call and let's chat about strategies and resources over Zoom for 90 minutes - it might just save you hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars. Bring your queries, concerns, and dreams about any aspect of your digital strategy. We're here to guide you through.

  • 🚀 Ignite Your Digital Presence

    Ready to build your audience and see your audience engagement skyrocket? Follow us to a world of potent digital engagement strategies tailored for you. Right this way, please!

  • 🧘‍♀️ Trade Tech Troubles for Tranquility

    Dreaming of more time to indulge your creativity without the tech headaches? Curious about outsourcing your website maintenance so you can enjoy carefree afternoons getting coffee with a friend, cozying up with a good book, or diving into your latest Netflix obsession? Right this way, please!

  • 💫 Elevate Your Online Aesthetic - Bespoke Website Design 💫

    Ready to build a digital stage that showcases your work and amplifies your unique voice? With our website design services, you'll have a beautiful website that resonates with your audience and aligns seamlessly with your brand. Want to create a digital home that's every bit as captivating as your content? Follow us for a design journey tailored to you.

Digital Strategy for Authors, Podcasters, Thought Leaders

Digital Strategy for Authors, Podcasters, Thought Leaders ⟶

📍 Steer your audience your way with a smart, data-driven strategy that combines the best of SEO and social media tactics. Think of it as your digital GPS. 

❤️ Transform curious visitors into committed fans and clients through an enticing and cleverly-crafted website. Your website will be more than just a platform - it’ll be a warm, fun, welcoming home for your audience to hang out, like their favorite coffee shop or cozy wine bar. 

💌 Engage and enthrall your audience with captivating newsletters and content. Your ideas and words are the secret ingredients binding your tribe.

💸 Nurture and grow lasting relationships with your audience, inspiring them to invest in your work, products, and services.

You’re the ✨ star ✨of your creative journey, building your career and business by growing your tribe of readers, listeners, clients, & students. 

But hey, who said you have to go at it solo?

Let's save you the time, the frustration, and the potential stunted growth of trying to navigate this journey alone.

We're here to help you ✨ shine ✨.


Fill out the form below, and we’ll be in touch in 1-2 business days!