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Modern Desi Love: Creating a Dynamic Writer's Blog on Squarespace with a Clean, Modern Aesthetic

Modern Desi Love Website

Realizing the Potential of a Strong Digital Footprint

When Ann first ventured into the writing world, she recognized a professional online platform's sheer power. As she built Modern Desi Love, the importance of a well-crafted website became clear to her—it was not just a showcase of her work but also a tool to build her brand and credibility.

Setting the Course: Identifying Key Business Goals

Ann had a clear vision for her digital space—she wanted it to be a place where she could share her musings, her art, and engage with her readers. The aim was to create a community of like-minded individuals who would find resonance in her writings and foster engaging conversations.

The First Hurdle: Crafting a Cohesive Brand Identity

Once upon a time, Ann's online presence was a bit like a jigsaw puzzle—scattered pieces waiting to be assembled into a beautiful picture. She spent weeks scrolling through an array of website templates, earmarking designs that caught her eye, collecting images that spoke to her.

Stitching Ideas into Reality: A Curated Approach to Web Design

Ann approached web design id like a couturier crafting a bespoke outfit—stitching together the bits of inspiration with functionality. She carefully curated elements that reflected her personal style—a blend of fresh, modern, and elegant aesthetics—while ensuring the website was user-friendly and easy to navigate.

The Big Reveal: A Visually Stunning & Engaging Design
The result? Modern Desi Love, a digital reflection of Ann's personality and work. The site's fresh and feminine look is a perfect backdrop to Ann's relationship-focused blog, thanks to a light beige and peach color scheme. The contrast between the script and san serif fonts adds a touch of whimsy, harmonizing the romantic and practical aspects of her writing.

Features we love about this author/writer website design: 

  • Home page layout with all the essential features - The homepage layout includes all the critical functional aspects that a website needs, namely, a header image and headline, call to action button, newsletter opt-in, and a way to contact the website easily.

  • Elements to help the reader know, like, and trust the website - The website includes the critical elements for visitors to know, like, and trust the website: a well-designed homepage, an about page, a call to action, a contact page, and easy ways to get in touch via the icons in the header and footer.

  • A color scheme that helps set the tone of the website - The light beige and peach colors feel fresh, modern, and feminine, contrasting with the classic black call to action button. This is perfect for a website that discusses how traditional relationships evolve in modern times. 

  • Fonts that support the website's purpose - The contrast between the script and the san serif font is perfect for a relationship blog that discusses romance and the practical elements of building a healthy relationship.

  • Clean header and footer to make navigation easier - The header and footer look clean with appropriately shaped and sized icons. This makes it easier for the user to navigate the website. 

  • Website photos with matching colors - The photos reflect the website's brand; the photos include neutral and blush colors and have a light and airy feel.

Digital Transformation: From a Scattered Presence to a Unified Community

Since launching her Modern Desi Love, Ann has witnessed a wave of increased audience engagement and a blossoming of her readership. This professionally designed digital space has amplified her credibility and fostered a robust community around her work.

Creating Magic: An Adventure in Web Design

Looking back, the process of creating Modern Desi Love was nothing short of a fun adventure for Ann. From gathering inspirational elements to seeing her vision materialize, every step allowed her to express her creativity and connect with her audience more deeply.

Reflecting on the Journey: Pride and Accomplishment

Two years post-launch, Ann's sense of pride and accomplishment Ann feels towards her website hasn't waned. She still revels in the consistent positive feedback from her community and finds immense joy in helping other authors and thought leaders experience the same success. Today, the website is more than a platform—it's her life’s work and a place for her community to gather. It’s a space where art meets heart.